2012 a year for big changes

2012 is finally here, and as so many of us do this time of year… making resolutions for ourselves and families isn’t always the easiest thing to stick to. We may have the best of intentions, and start out with a bang, but so many give up or don’t give ourselves the chance to make them work. And some don’t even make an attempt thinking they’ll never stick to it anyway, so why bother.

But this year is different. …especially since  there are so many big prophecies and talk that 2012 will be a deusey of a year…. maybe even the end of life as we know it…let’s make our best efforts to take all of our aspirations and wishes and put them on the front burners. All of those dreams you’ve stashed away in the back of your minds and hearts are dying to be released and realized. Give them a chance!

With such a tumultuous world surrounding us, changes are about the only thing that are certain, and so many of us are lost and feeling a bit hopeless; that we will never find our purpose in life, or whatever we may be searching for.  It seems everyone I run into these days has been through major life changes with their lives being turned upside down. Some see it as good, and others as a horrible thing, but either way, change is inevitable. So we might as well embrace the changes with an attitude of  positivity… that these things are happening for reasons unknown to us but are part of our ultimate destiny.

My hopes for this year are simply that everyone finds what they are looking for. …whatever that may be.


Love and light to you all!!